Tuesday, February 3, 2009

She-Fan Chronicles the New York Yankees in New Book

NEW YORK, Feb. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- It all started with a column in the New York Times titled "To Love and to Cherish for All Eternity, or Not" by novelist Jane Heller. She was sick over how the Yankees were playing in the first two months of 2007 and in this article announced her intention to divorce the team on the grounds of mental cruelty. Sports fans from across the country were incensed and wrote in stating she was not a true fan, she was a bandwagon, a traitor. The notorious "divorce essay" became the newspaper's most emailed and talked-about article in the week it ran.

Jane decided to prove to these sports fans she was a true Yankee fan. So with her husband as a traveling partner she set about the country to watch every game in every city. CONFESSIONS OF A SHE-FAN: The Course of True Love with the New York Yankees by Jane Heller (February 2009; Hardcover; $24.95) is her story about attending these games, interviewing members of the sports media, and trying to score interviews with the Yankees players - all while hoping to inject some excitement into her marriage.

Jane was surprised by the life lessons she learned about competition, loyalty, and acceptance - and about why baseball, like any truly romantic relationship, requires commitment, patience, and a deep, abiding love. Did she ever land an interview with a Yankee? Was she able to rejuvenate her marriage? How did she cope with her team's loss in the postseason? Her "confessions" reveal all....

About the Author

Jane Heller after nearly a decade of promoting writers, she launched her own career as a successful novelist www.janeheller.com. She is the best-selling author of 13 books and currently resides in Santa Barbara, California.

                                Confessions of a She-Fan:
                     The Course of True Love with the New York Yankees
                                         Jane Heller
                               Rodale Books/Hardcover/$24.95
                                   On Sale: February 2009
                                   ISBN 10: 1-59486-898-0
                                 ISBN 13: 978-1-59486-898-6