Friday, February 20, 2009

New Book Offers Evolution Skeptics Comic Relief

Author Presents Irreverent, Funny Commentary on Evolutionists' Top Ideas

JONESBOROUGH, Tenn., Feb. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- In a new book for anyone scratching their head at the theory of evolution and the Big Bang, Alvin Allison offers a dose of humor to go along with the absurdity. "From Monkeys to Men and Back: A Preposterously Essential Science Lesson According to a Darn Good Ex Chicken Farmer" (published by AuthorHouse) is a laugh-out-loud take on the theory of evolution and the supposedly solid proof modern science offers about human origins.

With irreverent, clever humor, Allison dissects evolutionists' theories about how species evolved into the creatures of today. He analyzes scientific evidence and direct arguments from some of the world's leading scientists. He offers thought-provoking, witty counterpoints, which in themselves illustrate evolution theory's flimsy foundation: Even an "ex-chicken farmer who never paid a minute's attention in science class has surely found the very reason evolution could never have happened," he jokes.

Among these funny and provocative critiques is Allison's perspective on the strange fact that humanoid apes evolved so quickly into humans: "And what's even more tragic than this is that according to the fossil record, that one particular monkey's offspring didn't actually evolve gradually into a human as most evolutionists would have us believe, but made a rapid jump from monkey to man. According to Stephen Jay Gould, professor of geology at Harvard University, 'the fossil record still proclaims [gradualism] false after more than a century of diligent search for gradual change.' So since the fossil record doesn't lie, it's proof that if humans really did come from monkeys, then some monkey had to have given direct birth to a human!

"Could this phenomenon continue on into the human race? Do you think any of our offspring could possibly end up giving birth to a brand new species as evolutionists insinuate some monkey did? If any of you were considering having more children, is this not reason enough to want to reconsider? I would think it is, but then again, some people enjoy having pets in their home. Of course, they usually know what kind of pet they're getting."

"From Monkeys to Men and Back: A Preposterously Essential Science Lesson According to a Darn Good Ex Chicken Farmer" is an invitation to those who find the theory and teaching of evolution a jaw-dropping sham to chuckle at the reasoning behind some of evolution theorists' claims.

Raised on a chicken farm just outside the small town of Hayesville, N.C., Alvin Allison spent many of his younger years wondering about confusing lessons in science class. He writes that although he was a career truck driver and not a scientist, "I'm sure those who don't believe in evolution will see that I do have enough scientific knowledge to know that humans, or any other mammal for that matter, are not the result of some primitive reptile accidentally growing mammary." More information is available at

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