Thursday, February 12, 2009

Carkhuff Releases Miracle of 'Generativity' Stimulus

Generativity Solution: Necessary for Building Wealth in the New Economy

MCLEAN, Va., Feb. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- If you are in search of a "bold and compelling paradigm" which confronts the potentially "schizophrenic obstacles to recovery" in our new economy, ask the father of the Science of Human Relations and founder, Robert R. (Bob) Carkhuff, PhD. His new groundbreaking work, The Generativity Solution series spells it out. Through the Science of Possibilities (HRD Press, 2000) and his lifelong studies, Carkhuff showed us that we have the potential at our fingertips. And this time, he says he has the architecture to prove it. "We have left out the source of our prosperity -- Human Capital. If we use it properly and continue drawing on this vital human potential to generate wealth and not just jobs, we'll be creating that vital piece of the pie that will resonate and will stimulate our economy. How do you stimulate wealth that is contagious and not just jobs that go away when the job is done?

In April, Carkhuff released his popular blog series, "The Generativity Stimulus Package." It was presented as a viable alternative to enhance "The Financial Stimulus Package" which focused strictly on dollar figures disregarding human resources and potential. He was right on target and left his audience wanting more. His new work, The Generativity Solution: Building the New Economy, a 32-page booklet, brings the "best of" his great paradigms for architecture and introduces his five-volume series of the same name. Community Generativity (Volume III), Cultural Generativy (Volume IV) and Economic Generativity (Volume V) will be available via HRD Press in March and are a must-read for communities, leaders and anyone trying to build.

After 50 years of generating The Science of Processing Systems, the foundation for addressing all crises, Bob cautions that the time is now. Through his Generativity Paradigms he has generated the formulas for individual, organizational, community, cultural, and global economic growth. His critically acclaimed books of the 20th century [Helping and Human Relations (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) and The Art of Helping (HRD Press)] provide the foundation for his 21st century works [The New Science of Possibilities and The Science of Freedom (HRD Press)] and more are in development. For Bob, "Anything that can be conceived can be achieved -- provided it is generatively defined and passionately pursued."

For more information or to access the complete new series, go to

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