Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday Smiles Asks Are You Suffering From Sombereconitis? Take This Quiz & Find Out!

Do you read about the current economic crisis and feel despondent or depressed?

Do you only see the negative side of the current financial turmoil?

Do most of your conversations revolve around the gloom of the current market?

Are you fearful that the worst is yet to come?

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from Sombereconitis. At least according to Chappale Linn Burton, author of How to Choose Happiness...Most of the Time: 30 Ways in 30 Days. Burton coined the term Sombereconitis to describe anyone who is overly worried, stressed out or negatively consumed with anxiety over the present economic situation.

"Most people don't realize that what you focus on expands and that each of us has the power to control our thoughts, which in turn affect our attitudes," states Burton. He has several suggestions for dealing with Sombereconitis.

1) Balance. You can be informed without being inundated. If you read an article and allow it to negatively affect your state of mind, balance that feeling by feeding your mind with some inspirational material.

2) Change your focus. Instead of focusing on the negative side of the financial turmoil, focus on things that you are passionate about (family, friends, hobbies or volunteering).

3) Gratefulness. The next time you find yourself talking about the market in a negative way, stop yourself and talk about something or someone you are grateful for.

4) Ask yourself better questions. What can I be doing right now to improve my current situation?

These are a few ways Burton suggests to get you well on to your road to recovery. To learn more about Chappale Linn Burton's strategies and techniques you can find his well received book, How to Choose Happiness... at World renowned author and speaker Brian Tracy said, "Wow! This fast-moving inspirational book shows you how to be happy and joyous under any conditions."

Burton has a degree in psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been a milieu therapist at a leading psychiatric hospital and is the co-founder of Monday Smiles, a self development company based in Los Angeles, CA. He tours the country speaking to students, corporations, and associations on self leadership and mindset management.
