Monday, February 2, 2009

The Real Reasons Men Commit: Why He Will-or Won't-Love, Honor, and Marry You This Valentine's Day

BOSTON, Feb. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- With nearly half of the male population never making the big commitment to the women in their lives, how can women looking for marriage this Valentine's Day weed out the men that aren't going to commit?

A controversial new book from Adams Media by award-winning couples and relationship therapist Joel Block, Ph.D. and relationship expert, Kimberly Dawn Neumann breaks it down. The Real Reasons Men Commit: Why He Will-or Won't-Love, Honor, and Marry Yougets women to stop wasting time on men that have no interest in marriage. According to TV/stage star and People magazine's Hottest Bachelor of the Year, Mario Lopez, "This book does a great job of explaining to women what goes on in the minds of men when it comes to commitment."

Single women have heard all the creative -- and not so creative excuses -- from the commitment-phobic men in their lives--and, too often they've been taken in by these excuses and helped perpetuate them. "Accepting his excuses and making excuses for him is disastrous," states Block and Neumann, "the key is to learn why he hesitates, and what you can do about it."

This book goes beyond the standard dos and don'ts as it teaches women how spot a man who is interested in marriage from the first date. The secrets contained in this book are priceless for women looking for a commitment-ready man. From strategies to persuade commitment-phobic men to take the chance on love and marriage to learning what factors influence a man's decision to commit, Block and Neumann teach the difference between cold feet and an intractable single-forever stance. Women who follow their lead will be sporting a ring by next Valentine's Day!