Thursday, February 12, 2009

12 Steps to Jump-Start Economy by Robert L. Hale

MINOT, N.D., Feb. 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- North Dakota attorney and successful commercial developer, Robert L. Hale, proposes 12 Steps to jump-start the economy in a column being published today at by the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. His proposals are:

    1.  Immediately stop deficit spending -- no matter how painful.

    2.  Cut 15 percent from the federal budget (not 15 percent from the
        growth but 15 percent of what was budgeted last year).

    3.  Begin to repeal every federal rule or regulation that does not
        prohibit or punish a common law crime.

    4.  Abolish the U. S. Department of Education (education belongs in
        the hands of local school boards and not federal bureaucrats).

    5.  Adopt no-nonsense zero-based budgeting for the entire federal

    6.  Abolish all campaign finance laws and replace them with a single
        requirement -- all campaign contributions (hard and soft money)
        must be reported within 72 hours of an election.

    7.  Close 90 percent of our foreign military bases.

    8.  Limit the number of federal employees to the current number.

    9.  Reduce federal employment 25 percent over the next eight years.

    10. Give the president the line-item veto.

    11. Impose a mandatory three-year prison term on any elected
        official or government employee (federal, state, or local)
        who takes a bribe or extorts from a citizen in exchange for
        performing his duty or responsibility.

    12. Prohibit the federal government from engaging in anything
        it is not specifically permitted to do constitutionally.

"Nearly 40 years of unabated federal growth initiated by the 'Great Society,' foolish programs, rules, and regulations got us into this mess," Mr. Hale writes. "The American public, with few exceptions, has elected representatives incapable, inexperienced, and ill-equipped to provide the leadership this country needs and deserves. Instead, we have elected people who pander to polls and special interest groups and who lack the background, experience, and courage to make responsible management and leadership decisions."

Unless we act now, Hale says, "we can expect 20-percent unemployment, hyperinflation, a further devalued dollar, street riots, and a dramatic decline in our standard of living."

Read the entire column at, the website of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, posts articles on current events, the state of the culture, and other topical issues. See website to subscribe to receive the columns via email.