Thursday, February 5, 2009

fruITion Delivers a Novel Approach to IT Strategy

Around the world, an extraordinary new book about IT's relationship with business strategy is being passed around IT departments, and beyond

WESTFIELD, N.J., Feb. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Technics Publications is proud to announce that the readership of Chris Potts's groundbreaking business novel fruITion continues to expand around the globe. From the USA to Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia, and most likely everywhere else, people are exploring this remarkable story about a Chief Information Officer (CIO) called Ian, told in his own words, of one life-changing week both in his career and in those of the people around him.

Offering something very different from the run-of-the-mill IT textbook, fruITion explores what happens when corporate strategists take over the IT agenda, ignore all the IT Strategy orthodoxies and use it in ways that the IT specialists never intended. The result has profound implications for relationships between people in "the business" and "IT," even challenging the very existence of the much-maligned divide between these two, apparently, entirely separate communities.

Jeremy Hall, Managing Director for IRM UK Strategic IT Training, called it "Part entertaining novel and part enlightening textbook - fruITion takes the reader through a discovery process revealing indispensable messages about the next generation of strategies for IT." observed that "Few CIOs today are wholly business strategists, but the role is changing. Potts's narrative spells out how you might change with the times."

The author, who is a hands-on corporate IT strategist, says that "I'm getting accustomed to people telling me that they've read fruITion and passed it around their colleagues in IT and beyond, or even bought copies for their colleagues to keep. It seems to be the kind of book that people want to share." Chris also reveals one of the book's underlying messages: "the CIO role is destined to become an executive leader of a business's investments in change, whether these involve IT or not. For a role that's historically been seen as technology-centric, moving towards this destiny is a journey of change both for CIOs themselves, and their executive colleagues."

Like fruITion itself, it seems that the ongoing evolution of IT specialists within businesses is a journey that is best shared with the people around them.

fruITion: Creating the Ultimate Corporate Strategy for Information Technology is published by Technics Publications as part of their Take IT With You(R) series. The book is available at bookstores, through Amazon, and through the publisher's website at

About Chris Potts

Chris is a corporate strategist specializing in IT exploitation and investing in change. He has a consulting Brand, Dominic Barrow, through which he works with industry-leading companies around the world. He is also a writer and an award-winning speaker.


    Steve Hoberman, President
    Company: Technics Publications, LLC

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