Thursday, February 5, 2009

ILLUSTRATING THE WORLD'S END: Acclaimed Comic Book Artist Rob Liefeld Depicts Global Disaster in Original Graphic Novel, 'Armageddon Now: World War 3'

YORBA LINDA, Calif., Feb. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Renowned comic book artist Rob Liefeld uses fresh, vivid illustrations to bring an adventurous story of the global apocalypse to the pages of the graphic novel, "Armageddon Now: World War 3."

"We've incorporated bold, engaging graphics and a compelling story to intrigue readers of mankind's future," said Liefeld, known for his work with Marvel Comics and Image Comics. "This book merges superheroes with current events in a plot originating from biblical stories of adventure, mystery and bloodshed."

"Armageddon Now: World War 3" is the first of seven books in the "Armageddon Now" graphic novel series, created by 12 Gates Productions. With stories by Phil Hotsenpiller, a pastor and theological expert, each book in the series is one more piece in the apocalyptic puzzle.

The first book takes readers on a catastrophic ride of terrorist attacks and brutal combat. Readers meet John Corbin, a soldier who leads Israeli defense forces to overcome a confederacy of nations in World War 3. Throughout the series, Corbin and a team of heroes unveil the mystery of the constellation Orion as it relates to humanity's future.

"With war in the Middle East, climate change and an increased occurrence of natural disasters, many people are speculating if the end of the world is near," said Hotsenpiller. "This fictional story correlates with these same events in our headline news."

Graphic novels have been steadily rising in popularity among audiences thanks to the movie industry's frequent adaptations of stories rooted in new and classic comic books. Many superhero and villain movies like "The Dark Knight," "Spider-Man," "The Incredibles" and the upcoming "Watchmen," originated from these picture books.

"The graphic novel, distinctive for its detailed art, is a stimulating way to portray the disaster described in biblical prophecy," said Hotsenpiller. "Many people may not realize the parallels with some of the same suffering in our world today."

"Armageddon Now: World War 3," a 120-page hard-cover book, is available at specialty comic book stores for $24.99. The next book is expected to release in summer 2009.

12 Gates Productions is an entertainment company that produces graphic novels, lithographs, DVDs and video games. For information, visit

    Jodi Phillip          972.267.1111