Friday, February 6, 2009

Harvest Time Partners, Inc. Introduces Abundant Harvest(TM), a One of a Kind Board Game to Help Individuals, Families and Educators Address the Complexity of Life Today

Life is No Longer Simple and Predictable

Is Your Family Ready? Are Your Students Ready?

BUCKINGHAM, Pa., Feb. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Decisions based on principles such as honesty, courage and responsibility serve as the foundation for actions of success and distinction in the home, the community and the marketplace.

Life is no longer simple and predictable. Unforeseen events in our home, our community and the world cause us significant uncertainty in reaching our hopes and dreams. During times of uncertainty, making decisions and taking action based on correct principles, not emotion or impulse, are critical to ensuring lasting success and distinction for individuals and families.

Abundant Harvest(TM) can help! The intent of Abundant Harvest(TM) is to provide families, friends and educators the opportunity to openly discuss the often difficult and complex issues of the real world for the purpose of preparing individuals to make more effective decisions along the journey of life. In addition, Abundant Harvest(TM) can open the door to more effective communication between spouses and between parents and children and can serve as a supportive tool for educators and counselors who seek to provide guidance and direction to others as they face the complexity of life today.

Board games provide a great platform for teaching and instructing. Abundant Harvest(TM) takes players on a fun-filled learning journey through various real world scenarios. There are two versions of Abundant Harvest(TM).

        Abundant Harvest(TM)           Abundant Harvest(TM) for Kids
        for ages 12 to Adult             for ages 5 to Adult

    The situations presented in      The situations presented in this
    this version of the game are     version of the game are directed
    directed towards teenage and     towards children who are learning the
    adult groups.  Many of the       importance of making decisions that
    situations deal with the         are based on principle.  The
    difficult issues of drugs,       scenarios provide parents, caregivers
    family conflicts, peer           and educators the opportunity to
    pressure and the complex and     teach children, and allow children to
    unpredictable nature of being    begin to develop and apply
    an adolescent and/or adult in    principle-based reasoning skills as
    today's world.                   they work their way through
                                     situations common in today's world.

The games are currently being well received in the marketplace by families, educators and faith-based organizations.

The Felician Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Province (Lodi, NJ) have reviewed and used the games and believe Abundant Harvest(TM) is "a wonderful tool to reinforce the Church's support of marriage and family in addition to supporting more effective decision making among our youth." Debbie Stevens, Children's Pastor at Family Worship Center in Lansdale, PA, commented that, "Abundant Harvest(TM) creates a much needed opportunity for parents, educators and counselors to talk with children and teenagers about making more effective decisions in an increasingly complex world and helps to reinforce the principle that 'you reap what you sow' in every aspect of life."

The games are currently available at in the toys/games section and directly from Harvest Time Partners at .

For more information or to discuss additional products and services from Harvest Time Partners, Inc., please visit the company website at or contact David at 267-885-5715 or email at .

About Harvest Time Partners, Inc:

Harvest Time Partners, Inc. was formed over a decade ago to help individuals, families and organizations reach their full potential in an increasingly complex world. During times of uncertainty, the discipline to remain steadfast on making decisions and taking actions based on eternally correct principles, such as honesty, courage and responsibility is critical to ensure lasting success and distinction for individuals, families and organizations.

The managing partners at Harvest Time Partners, Inc. are accomplished professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Collectively, they have decades of experience leading both large and small organizations and developing programs to support individuals, families and organizations.

The managing partners are committed to bringing relevant, supportive materials and programs to meet a wide range of needs. If you would like one of the partners to contact you for a review of our capabilities, please contact us via our website at or contact David directly at 267-885-5715 or