Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama's Speech Filled with Rhetoric, Wishful Thinking, According to Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation Columnist, Robert Hale

VIENNA, Va., Feb. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation website,, released a column today critiquing 14 points from President Obama's speech on Tuesday. North Dakota attorney and builder, Robert L. Hale, takes the President to task for "wishful rhetoric" and his "clear misunderstanding of how markets work."

Some of Hale's 14 points include:

--The President said: "In order to save our children from a future of debt, we will also end the tax breaks for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans." Hale comments: "Does it seem a realistic that two percent of Americans are going to pay off a federal debt estimated to be between $12 trillion and $19 trillion?"

--The President said: "We have done more to advance the cause of health care reform in the last thirty days than we have in the last decade." Hale replies: "What has been provided is health care insurance -- not health care reform. Nothing has been done to reform a health care system that is bloated by massive Medicare and Medicaid mismanagement.

--The President said: "...we will put Americans to work making our homes and buildings more efficient so that we can save billions of dollars on our energy bills." Hale replies: "As a builder for more than 30 years, I can state unequivocally this is a fiction. It is simply cannot be done.

--The President said: "I'm proud that we passed a recovery plan free of earmarks." Hale comments: "Yet news reports identified up to 9,000 earmarks in Congress' $410 billion omnibus spending bill."

--The President said: "The ability to get a loan is how you finance the purchase of everything... and [how] businesses make payroll." Hale responds: "Businesses do not make payrolls with loans. Those that do, don't stay in business; they fail."

For more than three decades, Mr. Hale has been involved in drafting proposed laws and counseling elected officials in ways to remove burdensome and unnecessary rules and regulations.

"For those who listened carefully and understand how sustainable jobs and prosperity happen, the President's speech was a terrible disappointment," Mr. Hale said.

The full column can be read at the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation's website,, which posts articles of commentary on current events, the culture, and society.


Friday, February 27, 2009

The Red Wine Pill

TORONTO, Feb. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The following was written by W. Gifford-Jones M.D., a medical journalist.

How do the French differ from North Americans? They eat fat-rich, calorie-packed baked goodies which are not heart healthy. Yet they're less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than North Americans. It's called "The French Paradox", believed to be linked to resveratrol, a substance found in red wine. Now, a study shows that a red wine pill provides more health benefits than drinking hundreds of glasses of the sweet nectar of the gods.

Dr. David Sinclair, at The Harvard Medical School, has developed a concentrated form of resveratrol. He's tested the effects on mice and believes it will help to offset the effect of high fat diets, decrease the chance of diabetes and slow down aging in humans.

Middle-aged mice were fed a diet in which 60 percent of calories came from fat. They developed signs of diabetes and died much sooner than mice fed on a regular diet.

Another group of middle aged mice were fed the same diet along with resveratrol. This prevented the onset of diabetes and even though obese, they lived as long as those fed a regular diet. It showed mice could be gluttons at mealtime without paying the price later on.

Dr. Johan Auwerx, at the Institute of Molecular Biolgy in Illkirch, France showed that an ordinary mouse could run one kilometer on a treadmill. But mice given resveratrol ran twice as far and had a slower heart rate, similar to trained athletes. As Dr. Auwerx remarked, "Resveratrol makes you look like a trained athlete without the training."

Auwerx believes resveratrol generates energy in the body's cells thereby burning more fat and avoiding weight gain. Examination of muscle fibers of the mice revealed they had been remodeled by resveratrol into a type prevalent in trained human athletes.

Other scientists believe that enzymes, such as sirtuin, keep the body healthful in youth, but become less powerful with age. They claim that resveratrol restores the activity of these enzymes.

At this point I'm ready to pour myself a glass or two of Cabernet Sauvignon. But according to Dr. Sinclair I would have to drink 1,500 bottles of red wine daily to get the same amount of resveratrol that was given to mice. The alternative is the Red Wine Pill.

Sinclair's research is driven by his own desire to slow down aging. As he told me, "This is the Holy Grail of Aging Research." And he says he, his wife, parents and half of his research staff take the red wine pill.

So what is the choice? If you're a moderate drinker you can continue to enjoy a frequent glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. Many studies show you will live longer. But Dr. Sinclair stresses his research is not about red wine which provides miniscule amounts of resveratrol. Rather, it's about getting a concentrated dose of resveratrol in the Red Wine Pill.

For years doctors have feared promoting the health benefits of wine because of social problems associated with excessive use of alcohol. Now the Red Wine Pill allows teetotalers the health benefits of wine without the alcohol or calories.

Since 50 percent of patients with diabetes die from heart attack, the Red Wine Pill will hopefully help decrease this complication in years ahead. And if Dr. Auwex's and Dr. Sinclair's research is right, the Red Wine Pill should help to decrease the chance of cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, and give energy to those who are tired all the time.

Several red wine pills are available, but studies show some brands provide only small amounts of resveratrol. I've relied on the work of seven international nutritionists and their book "The Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements." They analyzed and rated 500 vitamin products. No company hit the perfect score 100. One company Vitamin Research Products was 93.1. Their product, "Extension Resveratrol", also contains red wine polyphenols which act synergistically with resveratrol and quercetin which prolongs the action of resveratrol in the body.

The Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements is loaded with vitamin information. See the web site And for the red wine pill see the web site or the toll free number 1-800-877-2447.


Journey into the Dark Recesses of the Subconscious Mind

"Dark Currents" shares poetry author's two-year period of severe depression

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Feb. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- During a two-year time period, author Arthur F. Temple kept a journal, in which the basic underlying quality of his life on all levels had become intolerable, and the result is this fascinating book of poetry, "Dark Currents" (published by iUniverse).

In nearly 100 poems, Temple shares his heartfelt feelings of extremely difficult times in his life, from an abusive childhood, being laid off from his job, having his friendships and marriage severely strained, followed by a time period of great physical suffering. The physical suffering was the result of multiple serious health issues. Due to his deteriorating health, he was "holed up" in an apartment for nearly the entire two years with the exception of hospital room visits and subsequent visits to several specialists.

A friend suggested that writing might help him through his depression and even be cathartic for him. With most of the selections written in prose poetry, Temple's thoughts are divided into four chapters: Memories, Proverbs, Society and Abyss.

"Memories" deals with abhorrent childhood and young adult memories. "Proverbs" is the result of his daily observations since childhood. "Society" reflects on his thoughts of daily current events. "Abyss" was written at the height of his depression and moments when he was not even lucid.

As in "Responsibility" from the "Proverbs" chapter:

It is easier for mankind to deny truth to shed itself from responsibility.

What would transpire if the listless masses woke from their slumber?

Temple is also an artist, as each piece of poetry comes with an abstract piece of art related to the subject matter.

About the Author

Arthur F. Temple was born and raised in New York City. Although he has lived in several states across America, he currently resides in Brooklyn, New York. Temple has suffered from multiple health issues since receiving mass amounts of radiation treatment as a teenager. The long-term side effects of this treatment came about simultaneously, which affected most of his major organs, and spun his asthma out of control. Currently, he is healthy, stable and proud of his debut book of poetry. Visit him online at

iUniverse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit

    EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:

    Promotional Services Department
    Tel: 1-800-AUTHORS
    Fax: 812-355-4078
    (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.)

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Need to Remember: Growing Up with Faith and Family During Wartime in America

HAGERSTOWN, Ind., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Set in a middle-class neighborhood on the east side of Indianapolis during World War II, "Me and Howard: Surviving the '40s in Indianapolis" (published by iUniverse) is a non-fiction work about simpler times in a smaller America.

This nostalgic memoir, written by Raymond N. Armstrong, details how Raymond and older brother Howard grew up together, explored together and learned from each other, and from friends and family, what it meant to be boys. They grew up in an ordinary neighborhood, with playmates like themselves who learned out of necessity to be creative and inventive with their time. They climbed trees, invented games on bicycles, explored the creek, and told each other stories under spirea bushes in the backyard, often with close buddies "Doc" and "Mildew" who shared many of their adventures.

The boys learned to work, to study, to follow their hobbies, and eventually to take their place in the community as productive citizens. For this they credit their devoted schoolteachers, members of their church, and persons in the neighborhood. The Armstrong brothers especially credit their loving parents who gave them a legacy of hard work, hope, and a life based on faith in God. Together, the family pursued gardening, canning, walks in the woods, Christmas traditions at home and with grandparents, and a reliance on Christian faith that took form in the context of a congregation of German-American churchmen.

The author recalls the shared conflicts and joys of boyhood during a time of war and rationing, anchored by the values of their parents. Their neighborhood still maintained family life, school discipline, ethics in business and relationships, and time for boys to explore the world around them.


Raymond Armstrong is a retired United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ minister. He and wife Deena, a Speech/Language Pathologist, live in Hagerstown, Indiana. They have four children and six grandchildren. Besides writing, Ray pursues photography, painting, cooking, and building muzzle-loading rifles. Occasionally, he still preaches. This is his first book.

iUniverse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit

    EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:

    Promotional Services Department
    Tel: 1-800-AUTHORS
    Fax: 812-355-4085
    (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.)

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


'Probable Cause': Provocative New Book Seeks to Shed New Light, Offer Alternative Theories on JFK's Assassination

WINCHESTER, Va., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- In her compelling, controversial new book, "Probable Cause: ReThinking of the JFK Plot" (published by AuthorHouse), Robin Haines seeks to deliver a powerful message to the American people about the circumstances surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Taking a radical departure from the Warren Report theories, Haines distances herself from the idea that JFK's death was the result of a criminal conspiracy. Instead of seeing it as a crime plotted against the president by others, she claims the assassination was a massive deception staged from within the government as a means of civil defense.

According to Haines, the president was fully aware of the government's plot and fully cooperated with intelligence officers, giving authorization to proceed. "He signed a direct Presidential Executive Order, and personally arranged for the security precautions normally in effect to be removed," she writes.

"Probable Cause" names three men Haines believes are responsible for the assassination. At the time the book was first written, all three men were still living, but are now deceased. Although Haines believes she had enough evidence compiled to have them arrested, she "really doesn't think they did anything wrong," she writes, asserting that the assassination was carried out legally according to the laws in place in 1963.

Haines goes on to discuss the controversy surrounding the identity of Maurice Bishop, the testimony presented to the State Intelligence Committee in 1979, and E. Howard Hunt's lawsuit with the now-defunct Liberty Lobby. Haines also writes in depth about the mystery novels and spy thrillers written and published by Hunt and his colleague, David Atlee Phillips.

A must-read for any JFK conspiracy theorist, "Probable Cause" emerges with new evidence and compelling arguments. "The possibility does exist that JFK had to die in order to save America," Haines writes. "The 'Deception in Dallas' may have been the only alternative to nuclear war." Find out more in the compelling pages of "Probable Cause: ReThinking of the JFK Plot."

AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit

    EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:

    Promotional Services Department
    Tel: 888-728-8467
    Fax: 812-961-3133
    (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.)

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


The Great Rock & Roll Kindle - Free Speech in America Has a Revival

MARIN COUNTY, Calif., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- When Someone hears that a new product is "endorsed by Oprah," such as Amazon's revolutionary Kindle eBook reading Device, people sometimes automatically assume that a giant Publishing Company is behind the content, and all the works available are only those already selling millions of copies.

One need not be a Bestseller (yet) to join the Ranks of those Who Are.

Thanks to IT companies like the Supremus Group, Independent Writers and publishers can make their Works available on Kindle, in a very simple and affordable fashion.

Free Speech is having a Revival.

Even dead rockstars like Kurt Cobain of Nirvana are being Resurrected on Kindle, in a book being Released by Eternal Youth Empire. The Book, titled

    "220: S I F T I N G
    The Alien Battle Royale
    How we met the Spirit of Kurt Cobain"
    is now available on Kindle
    ( )
    since 2/20/09, Kurt Cobain's birthday.

"220" is a Non-Fiction True Account which deals with the themes of Spiritual Contact, alien encounters, unexplained phenomena such as Stigmata; telepathy, Remote Viewing, and Remote Influencing. It is written by Veronica Grey (aka Fysche) - a credible author who would pass a Lie Detector Test at the not-for-profit Organization Eternal Youth Empire, and an Independent UK based Publishing House Turner Maxwell Books


With the old business model of Publishing Monopolies, such an unusual title with a niche following would have had a Challenge to find Its way onto the Mainstream Book Market.

Now, many companies, such as Supremus Group, make It as Easy as "Point, Click, and Pay". All an Interested Writer or Publisher has to do after Registering their company on Amazon's digital platform is contact someone like Bob Mehta of

    Supremus Group

and Bob would simply have the eBook e-mailed over or uploaded to an ftp server, depending on the size of the File. Then Bob would return with a Quote based on the number of pages, graphics, etc of the book. Once payment is made, the eBook is converted to formats compatible with Kindle and Mobipocket et Voila! Within days an otherwise obscure title is available to the masses in the most Cutting Edge manner.

The added bonus is that eBook conversion rates start at only $69 on, making It an affordable Option for the Independent Artist, such as Eternal Youth Empire, a not-for-profit Organization helmed by motocross hotshot Von Launius, dedicated to bringing wellness and viable age-reversal techniques to the Forefront, with Its Guidebook, "6 Newly Discovered and Never Before Published Secrets to Eternal Youth and Immortality." For more information on these works and / or to find out how You can get Your Work on Kindle, visit the Contact or Links Page on

Other musicians Referenced in the work include Paul Bubbo of the Star Chemists, and JA$*N.!3; actor Jason Lewis and numerous Other Celebrities.


What the Billion Dollar Beauty Industry Does Not Want Leaked: That One Can Actually Reverse Aging for Free by Moving Only to the Right. We Smell a Nobel.

Tired of Putting Money in the Hands of Beauty Corporations for Botox, Pills, Creams, unused Gym Memberships, Plastic Surgery, and / or Counseling to Remain Youthful? Now one does not have to. New Book '6 Newly Discovered and Never Before Published Secrets to Eternal Youth and Immortality' gives FREE and Simple solutions that Truly Reverse the Aging Process so that folks can attain and maintain the Age they Intend to Look and Feel Forever - Guaranteed! Because the Secrets are Free to Test, people only have Health and Vitality to Gain, as the Beauty Industry stands to lose Billions.

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Often times Simplicity is the Best Path. Eternal Youth Empire, a California Based not-for-profit Organization dedicated to health and vitality for the masses, may have Stumbled Upon the Key to Reverse Your Aging Process. Best of all, It is FREE to test the Key, to See that It works. Aside from the low cost of obtaining the Book from their Website, one never has to pay for anything for the Rest of one's Life, to stay Forever Young.

The following Key is the mind-blowing Secret that has never been publicly revealed before in Print, for Free: It is generally accepted that tiny particles called Atoms "make-up" Everything, and that electrons revolve around atoms in a rather Haphazard manner. Eternal Youth Empire discovered over 10 years ago that for some Reason, whenever anything organic decomposes or ages, the Electrons that once rotated Randomly quite suddenly organize Themselves in an orderly fashion and begin Rotating in a leftward, Counter-clockwise motion.

Therefore, aging and Decomposing is a matter of revolving to the left. If you believe that simplicity and elegance are common sense and that nature displays the macrocosm of the microcosm, therefore, if one never rotates to the left, one puts off aging Indefinitely. Basically, if one only moves in rightward clockwise motions, one will stay Youthful Forever.

Members of Eternal Youth Empire have only gone right for over 10 years and their Youthfulness is Credible. Whirling Dervishes and Yogis for centuries have advocated right twirls to stave off aging. A Physical Immortality Interest Group in Orange County, CA led by Lynn and Leo Youngblood have their own set of testimonials from only moving to the Right. Dr. Janni Lloyd of Australia concurs. Her blog on Oprah's website is titled, "Do You Choose Life" and the public is welcome to comment: .

Even UPS has now implemented only Right Turns for their Drivers. Time and gas spent by waiting to turn left is assuaged by going around the entire block by making 3 rights.

The Buck Institute of Aging in Marin County, CA, only one of three such Laboratories in the World and the Only One in the United States, is aware of Eternal Youth Empire's Guide, and have Invited the members of Eternal Youth Empire to visit with Them, which may be an Indication of Endorsement. Nobel can only be Close Behind.

Eternal Youth Empire says, "Try It for Yourself. It is 100% free!" If You ever have to turn left, instead, make a 270 degree turn to the right, like a twirl or pirouette. You will end up facing left as Intended and literally stave off aging forever. You may hear a short Interview for Free regarding this one Key by clicking on This Link: where You can also get In Touch with this not-for-profit Organization.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Christophers to Honor Outstanding Work in Books, Film, TV at Diamond Anniversary Awards Gala in April

NEW YORK, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The 60th annual Christopher Awards in April will celebrate feature films, books for children and adults, broadcast and cable television programs, adding to the list of 1,336 authors, illustrators, screenwriters, producers and directors honored to date.

"The Christophers recognize media that remind audiences and readers of all ages and faiths, and of no particular faith, of their power to make a difference in their communities and the world-at-large," said Judith Trojan, director of the Awards, which will be presented at a gala on April 16th at the McGraw-Hill Building in New York City.

"There has been a lot of fine work to choose from this past year," added Trojan. "In the Books for Young People category alone, more than 500 books were submitted for consideration, an increase of 15 percent over last year." The Christophers also recognize special accomplishments in work with or for young people, and outstanding examples of leadership and life achievement.

The 2008 Christopher Life Achievement Award-winner, author/historian David McCullough, was immensely proud of his Award, which he now displays proudly in his library. "It gives me the chance to talk about the bedrock values The Christophers stand for and why having my work so honored means worlds to me," he noted.

Along with McCullough, other special Christopher Award-winning literary and media icons have included Dave Brubeck, Eli Wiesel, Mary Higgins Clark, Carroll O'Connor, Dr. Robert Coles, master puppeteer Caroll "Big Bird" Spinney, dance educator Jacques d'Amboise, and Children's Television Workshop creator Joan Ganz Cooney, as well as such landmark programming as "Masterpiece Theatre," "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," "American Masters," "Face the Nation," and NBC's "The More You Know" public service spots.

The Christophers, a nonprofit organization founded in 1945 by Maryknoll priest Father James Keller, is rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition of service to God and humanity. The ancient Chinese proverb -- "It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" -- guides its publishing, radio and awards programs. Visit to learn more about The Christophers.

Contact David Reich, 212-573-6000


Monday Smiles Asks Are You Suffering From Sombereconitis? Take This Quiz & Find Out!

Do you read about the current economic crisis and feel despondent or depressed?

Do you only see the negative side of the current financial turmoil?

Do most of your conversations revolve around the gloom of the current market?

Are you fearful that the worst is yet to come?

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from Sombereconitis. At least according to Chappale Linn Burton, author of How to Choose Happiness...Most of the Time: 30 Ways in 30 Days. Burton coined the term Sombereconitis to describe anyone who is overly worried, stressed out or negatively consumed with anxiety over the present economic situation.

"Most people don't realize that what you focus on expands and that each of us has the power to control our thoughts, which in turn affect our attitudes," states Burton. He has several suggestions for dealing with Sombereconitis.

1) Balance. You can be informed without being inundated. If you read an article and allow it to negatively affect your state of mind, balance that feeling by feeding your mind with some inspirational material.

2) Change your focus. Instead of focusing on the negative side of the financial turmoil, focus on things that you are passionate about (family, friends, hobbies or volunteering).

3) Gratefulness. The next time you find yourself talking about the market in a negative way, stop yourself and talk about something or someone you are grateful for.

4) Ask yourself better questions. What can I be doing right now to improve my current situation?

These are a few ways Burton suggests to get you well on to your road to recovery. To learn more about Chappale Linn Burton's strategies and techniques you can find his well received book, How to Choose Happiness... at World renowned author and speaker Brian Tracy said, "Wow! This fast-moving inspirational book shows you how to be happy and joyous under any conditions."

Burton has a degree in psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been a milieu therapist at a leading psychiatric hospital and is the co-founder of Monday Smiles, a self development company based in Los Angeles, CA. He tours the country speaking to students, corporations, and associations on self leadership and mindset management.


America Needs Power of Factory, Says Harbour in 'Factory Man'

DEARBORN, Mich., Feb. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "Manufacturing is suffering because America has lost its focus on manufacturing and our belief in the factory life," says industry analyst James E. Harbour in his new autobiography, "Factory Man" available today and published by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

Recognized worldwide as a leading automotive industry analyst and founder of The Harbour Report, a study of OEM's manufacturing performance, Harbour has co-authored this factual, non-technical book with James V. Higgins, an award-winning automotive reporter, columnist and editor who covered the industry for most of his career at The Detroit News.

"Factory Man" presents the insights of an automotive "insider" who became one of the industry's main critics. The book is a brutally honest assessment of what was wrong with U.S. automakers from the 1950s into the early 21st century. Harbour's views are as relevant to the auto industry today, as they were in 1981, when he issued his first Harbour Report.

His work experience while at Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. mainly in manufacturing, takes readers on a personal trip leading to his landmark discovery and evaluation of the Toyota Production System. That study helped persuade the Big Three that massive changes in their production systems were necessary in being more competitive with Japanese car companies.

In "Factory Man," Harbour also details the ramifications of fuel economy standards, trade and energy policies, and service and financial institutions being able to maintain our standard of living. He says we seem to think that by shifting low-cost manufacturing overseas we would better be able to focus on innovation and other futuristic pursuits. Financial institutions are not the creators of wealth but rather the consequence of it. Historically, if industrial development is lost, we can expect financial institutions to follow trade to the countries more successful than we are, writes Harbour.

"You can make things in a factory. That's where Detroit comes in and that's what America needs right now - a good jolt of the power of the factory," says Harbour, "allowing America's manufacturing industry to create wealth and put money in people's pockets."

Book Purchase: To purchase a copy of "Factory Man," available February 2009, visit

Available Topic Expert: For information on the listed expert, click appropriate link:


Author Claims to 'Channel' Stories and Characters

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The author JL Julius is about to release his first novel, Widow's Leap, a paranormal love story of sorts. The story tells of two lovers that were separated by death; one has reincarnated and the other remains in the "gap" trying to reach her beloved. It is an emotional tale that ponders the question of love after death and if true love can reach beyond the grave.

According to Julius, this tale came unexpectedly when he walked over a bridge in North Carolina. He paused a moment, when suddenly a feeling of grief and great loss came over him. At that moment, the story appeared in his mind, a complete story, not a notion or idea for a story. Years later, he commits this experience to writing. The initial story remains intact, save the addition of a few characters to help tell the tale and the fleshing out of the main ones.

None of this seems strange to him, Julius says, since he has experienced strange things all his life. Although Widow's Leap can be considered a light romance, he also writes under the pseudonym of Dwayne Keegan for his darker stories. This is where it gets weird ....

A friend asked him if he would write a vampire novel, so he pulled out an old plot that went nowhere, just notes he scribbled down a year prior. When he reviewed the pages, it happened again: An entire story exploded in his mind. He wrote everything he saw and heard and realized that this story will run about three books or more. However, this wasn't the weird part; Julius had two of the minor characters approach him and ask for bigger roles. It felt a little strange at first, he remembers, but the one character moved herself into center stage and completed the dynamics of the first book of this trilogy.

The funniest incident happened while he was walking in his "mind's movie set," where he noticed a pile of rags. Before he could ask why they where there, he chuckles, a lady pops her head from beneath the pile and asks to be in the story. Naturally, he was thrilled and included her.

His friends really freaked out, when a coworker with "the gift" inquired about a lady and what connection she had with him. She described the rag lady in detail and said, "She could only see her from the neck up and she wore a bunch of blankets." Julius informed her that was Margo, a character in his book. He inquired why she should ask or even knew about her. His coworker replied, "Because she is here standing next to you. She has been here for some time now, hovering around us." Julius thought this experience was exciting and wonderful; his friends disagreed as they tried to rub away their goose bumps ....

Widow's Leap (Bookworm Publishing; ISBN 978-1-60264-310-9; $22.95; hardcover) will be available early March of 2009. More info at

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dimension Data Launches Free eBook Showcasing eProcurement Best Practices for a Cost-Effective Green Purchasing Program

Company Also Unveils First Online Calculator to Quantify the Overall Environmental Benefits of the eProcurement Process

NEW YORK, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Dimension Data, a $4.5 billion IT solutions and services provider, today announced the launch of an eBook intended to help organizations of all sizes bridge the gap between environmentally sustainable procurement practices and cost containment. Titled Overcoming the Challenges of Green Procurement Through eProcurement, the free online eBook highlights nine eProcurement best practices designed to help organizations implement and manage green purchasing programs, reduce environmental waste and control costs.

Along with the eBook, Dimension Data is also launching a free online green procurement calculator - the first calculator to quantify the overall environmental benefits of the eProcurement process for a given organization. The calculator allows users to enter in the average number of requisitions and purchase orders processed each month and then calculate the environmental benefits -- in terms of paper, energy, carbon emissions and more -- that could be realized by switching to a paperless eProcurement process.

"An increasing number of organizations are examining ways to factor environmental criteria into their buying decisions," said Ettienne Reinecke, CTO of Dimension Data. "However, in today's economic climate, organizations face the added challenge of balancing sustainable purchasing with cost savings. Our eBook outlines nine tested and proven best practices that will help organizations implement and manage green procurement programs, while simultaneously achieving the cost and efficiency savings that have long been associated with eProcurement.

"The benefits of a well-planned and executed eProcurement program can be significant. Consider this: The production of just one ream of paper uses 6% of a tree, 27.8 kilowatt-hours of energy, 6.4 kilograms of greenhouse gas, 180 liters of water waste and 2.6 kilograms of solid waste - and that's without printing or faxing. To fax or print requires an additional 10 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 5 kilograms of carbon emissions. Over the course of a year, this adds up to an alarming amount of unnecessary paper consumption and carbon emissions."

The nine best practices highlighted in Dimension Data's eBook each map to at least one of four green procurement program enablers: knowledge transfer and training, selection and control of suppliers (enforcing green suppliers), measurement and compliance, and a paperless workflow. The eBook also provides tips for organizations without existing eProcurement programs on how they can still leverage the same best practices and assist their green procurement implementation. In addition, the eBook outlines the important criteria to look for when choosing vendors and suppliers.

Overcoming the Challenges of Green Procurement Through eProcurement and the green calculator can be obtained by visiting

About Dimension Data

Dimension Data (LSE: DDT), a specialist IT services and solutions provider, helps clients plan, build, support and manage their network and IT infrastructures. Dimension Data applies its expertise in networking, security, operating environments, storage and contact center technologies and its unique skills in consulting, integration and managed services to create customized client services. For more information: Call 866-DIDATA-US or visit

About Dimension Data Direct

Dimension Data Direct is Dimension Data's B2B eProcurement solution that allows clients to purchase IT products and services electronically via either punch-out from the clients' existing eProcurement system or by utilizing our hosted procurement solution. In 2008 we helped our clients eliminate the need to print more than 1.8 million sheets of paper with Dimension Data Direct. That means we've helped our clients save 219 trees, approximately 69,134 kg of carbon emissions, and about 138,268 kWh of energy - the same amount of energy used by the average American household for 13 years!

For more information about Dimension Data Direct's eProcurement system go to:

    Media Contacts:
    Lisa Grimes                         Laura Sexton
    Dimension Data                      Davies Murphy Group
    (703) 217-2692                      (781) 418-2417 


Joy Berry's Five Musts for Raising Responsible Children

NEW YORK, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Joy Berry, the highly successful, pioneering educator and child development specialist says that if you follow the "Five Musts for Raising Responsible Children" you have armed your children for life. With more than 250 titles and 85 million copies of her living skills books sold, Joy Berry's message has always been the same: Help children help themselves so they can become responsible for their own lives.

Joy Berry's five musts for raising responsible children are:

  • Parents need to begin transferring control to their children on day two of their lives.
  • A child's happiness and success belong to the child, not to his or her parents.
  • It is essential that parents empower their child with the proper living skills.
  • Never use punishment with children; it doesn't work.
  • One of the most important goals for a parent is to have their child 100% responsible for making their own decisions by age 12.

Joy Berry's tried and true approach to raising responsible children is focused on helping parents and directing children in the right direction. "Formal education cannot do it all. As parents we must help our children become independent," says Joy Berry. "As children become teenagers, they begin to pull away from their parents and want to begin living their own lives. It is imperative that several years before a child leaves the home, that they are fully responsible and are making good decisions. Following these basic steps can really provide children the tools they need for making all the right choices."

About Joy Berry

Joy Berry holds advanced degrees in education and human development. She received her BA with a major in Biological Science and a minor in music from Upland College and Laverne College in California. She received her teaching credentials from Laverne majoring in Education. She received her MA in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena. Along with her academic credentials she holds the distinguished honor of being a parent, grandparent, adoptive parent and step parent. Joy Berry lives in New York.

Joy Berry is available for interviews.

About Joy Berry Enterprises

Joy Berry Enterprises (JBE) represents the world's largest collection of living skills products for children that teach responsibility and behavior through stories, music and multimedia. Joy Berry, pioneering educator, bestselling author and child development expert, has partnered with some of the best media minds today to launch a vast collection of books, music and media into today's markets, through traditional distribution platforms as well as through digital and online delivery formats. The product line is the largest created by a single author and comprises the only comprehensive living skills program for children ages 1-14. This timeless, "classic" collection includes more than 175 living skills books, 100 activity and novelty books, over 500 children's songs and read-alongs, toddler-to-teen curriculum for the classroom, and world outreach projects with Amnesty International, the United Nations and The Red Cross. In addition to Joy Berry Classics, JBE is developing a new series with Joy Berry that includes animated television shows, online programming and character-driven books and merchandise. With more than 85 million copies sold of Joy Berry books, JBE will continue to develop multimedia products for children and their parents based on Joy's enduring theories about growing up and learning how to be responsible. Joy Berry Enterprises is a privately held company based in New York City.

For information, contact:

Maryann Palumbo

718 680 6483 or


David Bach Demystifies the Language of Commerce

NEW YORK, Feb. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Do you know what a depositary share is? How about a load fund? A market-timer? Most people do not know these, or other common, important financial terms the politicos and experts bandy about in the media during this economic crisis. Now more than ever, it is important to be attentive not only to personal finances, but to national market shifts and economics, and understand how those changes will affect individual financial futures.

In The Finish Rich Dictionary, finance guru David Bach defines and demystifies the language of commerce, giving readers the power to understand and manage their money more effectively. In addition to the 1001 essential words and terms like: leverage, latte factor, narrow money, rack rent, stagflation, tiger economy, white goods.

This compact volume also includes essays on topics such as

  • buying a home
  • determining credit card problems
  • retirement planning

Bach also includes a list of the top ten money mistakes people make, common financial equations, and an interest rate calculator table. The Finish Rich Dictionary is a user-friendly guide to the language of money, and whether the reader is a business student, a new homeowner, or an eager investor, this book will surely be a welcome companion when tackling the complex world of money and finance.

David Bach is one of the best known and bestselling financial writers of all time. He is the author of the top-selling Finish Rich series that includes eight consecutive national bestsellers, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers, The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich. There are over five million copies of his books in print worldwide, translated into fifteen languages. Bach is regularly featured in the media, including The Oprah Winfrey Show as well as regular appearances on Larry King Live, Live with Regis and Kelly, NBC's Today Show, Fox and CNN. He is a regular contributor to Yahoo! Finance and Redbook Magazine. David Bach lives in New York City.


1001 Financial Words You Need to Know

By David Bach will be published by Oxford University Press on January 29, 2009

$12.95 | 237 pages | Paperback | ISBN13: 9780195375589



CDMdata, Inc. Recognized as Crucial to Online Success

National Car Sales Named Used Car Dealer of the Year with Company's Products and Services as Platform

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- CDMdata, Inc., a Kelley Blue Book company, today announces that National Car Sales, named's Used Car Dealer of the Year for 2009, has recognized the company for its support in receiving this award through CDMdata products and services. CDMdata provides National Car Sales with its DigitalLot(R) Solution, allowing dealerships to more effectively manage and market its pre-owned car inventories, and hosts National Car Sales' Web site inventory display with its DigitalLot Web product. In addition, National Car Sales integrated trusted Kelley Blue Book(R) Suggested Retail and Trade-In Values to its Web site to instill consumer confidence when purchasing a vehicle.

"We know how imperative it is to provide extensive information to customers researching inventories online. Considering the volume of monthly retail sales, we searched for vendor partners that provide products and services with the level of quality and automation that allow us to control our own destiny and success," said David Pilcher, executive vice president of National Car Sales. "CDMdata has been at the core of this strategy for more than seven years. Their technology and support has enabled us to achieve success and provide award winning customer service."

CDMdata's DigitalLot Solution captures and displays photos, creates videos, provides Kelley Blue Book(R) Digital Window Stickers and values, and promotes dealership inventories online faster, resulting in more sales. Consumers benefit from enhanced, accurate vehicle information while dealerships leverage a decreased time to market for their Web site and online classifieds.

"CDMdata is thrilled National Car Sales has been recognized as's Used Car Dealer of the Year for 2009," said Mike Romano, chief operating officer for CDMdata, Inc., and senior vice president of dealer strategy for Kelley Blue Book. "We continuously strive to provide dealers with the most efficient marketing tools for selling cars. We are proud to be part of National Cars Sales' success."

For more information about Kelley Blue Book and CDMdata, dealer products, services and solutions, please visit For more information about DealerRater, please visit

About CDM Dealer Services and CDMdata, Inc. (

CDMdata, Inc. provides unparalleled technology and industry-leading service to the automotive industry. CDMdata, Inc. solutions increase client revenues by increasing productivity and data accuracy. CDM provides proprietary hardware and software solutions that streamline inspection, valuation, distribution, marketing and Internet sales processes. CDM's flagship product is the DigitalLot Solution, which provides automotive dealers with the hardware and software they need to manage the collection and distribution of automotive information over the Internet. CDMdata, Inc. is a Kelley Blue Book company. CDM Dealer Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDMdata, Inc.

About Kelley Blue Book (

Since 1926, Kelley Blue Book, The Trusted Resource(R), has provided vehicle buyers and sellers with the new and used vehicle information they need to accomplish their goals with confidence. The company's top-rated Web site,, provides the most up-to-date pricing and values, including the New Car Blue Book(R) Value, which reveals what people actually are paying for new cars. The company also reports vehicle pricing and values via products and services, including software products and the famous Blue Book(R) Official Guide. According to the C.A. Walker Research Solutions, Inc. - 2008 Spring Automotive Web Site Usefulness Study, is the most useful automotive information Web site among new and used vehicle shoppers, and half of online vehicle shoppers visit is a leading provider of new car prices, car reviews and news, used car blue book values, auto classifieds and car dealer locations. No other medium reaches more in-market vehicle shoppers than

About was founded in 2002 as the first car dealer review website worldwide. is committed to providing a central collection point for informative reviews. The site currently features more than 24,000 US and International car dealers and more than 65,000 user reviews. provides the opportunity for users to search for car dealerships, read current reviews, write their own review, and find car deals - all for free. Car dealers are rated on the criteria of customer service, quality of work, friendliness, price and overall experience. users also have the option to recommend the dealer to other users and provide a descriptive review. Website users and car dealerships may post free auto classified ads. visitors may request vehicle quotes and Certified Dealers receive free vehicle leads.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Bersin & Associates' Impact Measurement Framework Incorporated into KnowledgeAdvisors' Metrics That Matter(R)

OAKLAND, Calif., Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Bersin & Associates, the only research and advisory firm focused on enterprise learning and talent management, announced today that its Impact Measurement Framework(TM) is now supported by KnowledgeAdvisors' Metrics That Matter, a web-based talent & performance evaluation and analytics system that allows users to cost- effectively measure the impact of learning processes and improve performance.

The Impact Measurement Framework is the centerpiece of Josh Bersin's The Training Measurement Book (, published in 2008 and recently recognized by as one of its top 10 business books in 2008. The framework offers a roadmap and set of methodologies for implementing a practical, business-based measurement program for corporate learning. The framework covers nine critical measurement areas: learner satisfaction, learning outcomes, program adoption, program utility, program efficiency, business alignment, attainment of customer objectives, individual performance improvement, and organizational performance improvement.

KnowledgeAdvisors' Metrics That Matter system will offer organizations technology support for implementing this framework and for ongoing measurement and analysis.

"While most executives recognize the importance of measuring corporate learning, fewer than 20% of all organizations have end-to-end measurement programs in place," said President Josh Bersin, who will also be joining KnowledgeAdvisors' advisory board. "Practitioners are typically frustrated by a lack of efficient and easy-to-use methodologies and measurement tools and minimal -- if any -- executive support. The Impact Measurement Framework offers a practical way to implement a training measurement program that yields information relevant to the business. Metrics That Matter will help organizations put the framework into action."

According to Bob Danna, executive vice president of strategic services for Bersin & Associates, the Metrics That Matter system will complement the company's strategic services offerings which help organizations implement learning and talent measurement strategies. Bersin & Associates measurement services assist organizations in building a comprehensive, business-focused measurement strategy, including assessment of measurement needs and system resources, identification and prioritization of critical measures, building cross-organizational support, and creation of an implementation plan.

"Metrics That Matter is an excellent option for those organizations that need a system to support their measurement strategy," said Danna.

"We are proud to be working with Bersin & Associates. They share our objective approach and our emphasis on business relevance and practicality," said Kent D. Barnett, founder and CEO of KnowledgeAdvisors.

Bersin will deliver a keynote presentation on learning and talent analytics at KnowledgeAdvisors' Analytics Symposium on Wednesday, March 4, at the Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa in Tucson, AZ.

For more information about Bersin & Associates research and services related to corporate learning measurement, call Julie Duda at 330 604 8567 or email

About Bersin & Associates

Bersin & Associates is the only research and advisory consulting firm focused solely on research in enterprise learning and talent management. Bersin & Associates' WhatWorks(R) research and research-based services are designed to deliver actionable direction and to help improve operational effectiveness and business impact.

Bersin & Associates research members gain access to a comprehensive library of best practices, case studies, benchmarks, and in-depth market analyses designed to guide professionals in making fast and confident decisions. Research areas include planning and strategy, learning programs and delivery, talent management, technology and infrastructure, and measurement and analytics. Member benefits include in-depth advisory services, access to proprietary webcasts, on-site analyst visits, and strategic workshops. More than 4,000 organizations have used Bersin & Associates' research to guide talent and corporate learning strategies.

Bersin & Associates is the host of the only research conference on enterprise learning and talent management, IMPACT 2009: The Business of Talent(R) (, scheduled for April 14 - 16 in St Petersburg, Florida. This year's conference features more than 60 senior HR and learning leaders; many sessions will highlight cost-cutting strategies and ways to improve business impact through innovative approaches.

For more information, go to or call 561 455 0622, ext. 223.

About KnowledgeAdvisors

KnowledgeAdvisors is the world's largest provider of learning and talent measurement solutions. Leading organizations access its measurement expertise and on-demand software to ensure a high-performing workforce. As thought leader in Human Capital Analytics, KnowledgeAdvisors provides the most comprehensive analytics solutions on the market. By combining measurement expertise, on-demand evaluation software, and integrated analytics solutions with benchmarking, organizations gain the necessary insights on how to best develop their workforce.

Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click
appropriate link.
Josh Bersin


Borders Has Exclusive 18-Month 'Twilight' Movie Calendar

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- To the delight of legions of "Twilight" fans everywhere, just a few weeks remain until the "Twilight" movie is released on DVD March 20. Borders has locked in a U.S. exclusive on the 18-month "Twilight" movie calendar. Borders and Waldenbooks stores, as well as, are taking pre-orders for the exclusive calendar, which officially goes on sale March 17. The calendar, which retails for $16.99, includes 17 different gorgeous color movie stills of Bella, Edward, Jacob and their friends from Forks, Wash. Notably, the pages of this exclusive calendar are laid out horizontally like a book, with two months featured on one page and lush, full-color photos of the cast members in scenes from the movie on the opposite page. At 11-inches-by-12-inches, the calendar is compact enough to carry in a backpack or bag, or it can be displayed on a wall at home. To pre-order the exclusive calendar, customers can visit their neighborhood Borders or Waldenbooks store, or they can visit and pre-order their copy at .

    (Photo: )
    (Logo: )

"Twilight" DVD midnight release parties

As the headquarters for all things "Twilight," Borders is going all out to celebrate the release of the hotly anticipated DVD by hosting midnight parties in most Borders stores nationwide March 20. Parties begin at 10 p.m. and culminate at 12:01 a.m.March 21 when the DVD officially goes on sale. More details about the parties will be announced in the coming days, but suffice it to say, that attendees will enjoy a night they'll remember for years to come, including the unique opportunity to honor what they loved most about the movie. Borders will also announce the additional "Twilight" products it will add to its extensive inventory of "Twilight"-themed items which already includes T-shirts, jewelry, posters, magnets, pens, bookmarks, an Edward action figure and, of course, the Stephenie Meyer books that sparked the phenomenon -- "Twilight," "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn."

Exclusive "Twilight" DVD with special features

Party attendees will have first dibs at exclusive limited-edition memorabilia available only at Borders. While supplies last, customers will be able to purchase Borders' exclusive edition of the DVD -- a two-disc limited-edition of the movie that includes bonus special features such as exclusive cast interviews with Robert Pattinson (Edward), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Cam Gigandet (James), Edi Gathegi (Laurent) and Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) that were recorded during Comic-Con in San Diego. The DVD also features exclusive red-carpet footage from the global movie premiere in Los Angeles, and a re-edited version of the Borders Book Club episode that features author Stephenie Meyer discussing the phenomenon behind the "Twilight" saga. The two-disc special edition also includes a set of 10 exclusive photo cards, which feature images of the cast. The 7-1/4-inch-by-5-3/8-inch photo cards are printed on a heavy pearlescent stock, giving the cards a rich, beautiful shimmer. The DVDs and photo cards will be elegantly presented in a deluxe tri-fold rigid case that is exclusive to Borders. The front cover features a pattern of tree branches foil-stamped on the matte finish packaging, creating a beautiful tone-on-tone image that highlights the movie's logo. Upon its release, the Borders-exclusive two-disc "Twilight" DVD will be $29.99, a savings of 25% off the retail price of $39.99.

"Clearly, we're the only place for 'Twilight' fans to celebrate the release of 'Twilight' on DVD," said Borders Group Executive Vice President of Merchandising and Marketing Anne Kubek. "Not only are nearly all Borders stores hosting the best 'Twilight' DVD release parties, but we are also the only retailer to have the 18-month movie calendar for 'Twilight,' which fans can get at the same time as our exclusive edition of the DVD. So, real 'Twilight' fans should plan to spend the evening with us at Borders!"

About Borders Group, Inc.

Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Mich., Borders Group, Inc. (NYSE: BGP) is a leading retailer of books, music and movies with approximately 27,000 employees. Through its subsidiaries, the company operates more than 1,000 stores primarily under the Borders(R) and Waldenbooks(R) brand names and offers online shopping through For more information about the company, visit .


getAbstract Donates Business Book Collection to the FIU Library Foundation

MIAMI, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- getAbstract, the world's leading book summary company, is very pleased to announce a new, ongoing charitable program to donate a large collection of top-caliber, up-to-date business books to the Florida International University Library Foundation.

Rolf Dobelli, co-founder and chairman of getAbstract, will present a symbolic, gift-wrapped book to Antonie Downs, Executive Associate Director of Libraries for FIU, on Thursday, February 26, at 3:30 p.m. in the lobby of the main library on the North Miami campus of FIU at 3000 NE 151 Street, North Miami.

"getAbstract is a company founded by book lovers," Dobelli said. "At our home office in Lucerne, Switzerland, we maintain a master library of each book we have ever summarized. However, we often receive duplicate copies from our publishing partners for the use of our writers and editors, so we are pleased to establish this on-going donation program to give these outstanding books a second life in the service of FIU's students and faculty."

getAbstract, which publishes an online library of more than 5,000 book summaries in English, German and Spanish at, is launching this new charitable program by donating approximately 400 books to the FIU Library Foundation for use in its main libraries on the Biscayne Bay and University Park campuses. The company plans to donate approximately 250 more books a year on an ongoing basis.

"Our library's purpose is to support the University's mission of teaching, research, and service by providing the means for the discovery and the pursuit of knowledge," Mrs. Downs explained. "We are grateful for the generosity and support of getAbstract as we pursue our vision of becoming a top, urban, public university research library."

"As an international company, we are glad to support Florida's International University," Dobelli said. "Its stellar work in education, particularly in business, journalism, the environment and international scholarship, makes us particularly pleased to support its Library Foundation."


Industry's First Low Power Verification Methodology Manual, Authored by ARM, Renesas Technology and Synopsys, is Now Available

Newly Published Book Documents Best Practices by Experts from More Than 30 Companies

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Feb. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS), a world leader in software and IP for semiconductor design and manufacturing, today announced the availability of the Verification Methodology Manual for Low Power (VMM-LP), the culmination of a collaborative effort between ARM, Renesas Technology and Synopsys to document a proven methodology for the comprehensive verification of low power designs. The VMM-LP book enables broad deployment of industry best practices to accelerate the verification of low power designs. Leveraging the collective verification and IP experience of more than 30 companies with real-world low power verification experience, the new book builds on the methodology originally published in the proven Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog book developed by ARM and Synopsys. A tutorial on the methodology described in the VMM-LP book will be presented at DVCon in San Jose on February 24, 2009.

"The task of verifying low power designs presents a significant challenge for today's verification engineers, as most are not yet well-trained on low power concepts," said Jianfeng Liu, senior low power verification methodology engineer at Samsung Electronics. "The Verification Methodology Manual for Low Power is a timely and valuable resource that addresses all aspects of low power verification, providing detailed rules and guidelines."

"Being able to create a power control architecture is more than just having something that looks pretty on paper and, theoretically, meets your power targets," said David Wheelock, SOC power architect at Seagate Technology. "The VMM-LP provides clear insight into the pitfalls and practicality issues for both the design and verification of low power systems. This handy volume comes with specific examples of design and verification issues that have been seen in actual chips. Its rules and recommendations will help move the electronics industry into a much greener future."

Low power design techniques have become increasingly complex and have led to an explosion in verification complexity, creating a need for a well-understood, robust, and reusable verification environment to achieve power goals and first-pass silicon success. The VMM-LP book documents the common causes of low power bugs, provides rules and guidelines for low power verification, specifies a SystemVerilog base class library facilitating the setup of a reusable verification environment, and recommends assertions and coverage techniques to accomplish comprehensive low power verification.

"Low power verification is the key challenge in low power design," said the K3 LP group at HiSilicon. "The VMM-LP helps create a reusable verification environment for low power that can leverage best practices from industry experts. It helps find low power bugs and finds them early in the design cycle rather than waiting for silicon - savings in terms of mask costs and engineering debug time can be huge."

The methodology described in the VMM-LP book allows verification teams to attain coverage closure and pinpoint bugs using assertions. It can be implemented using voltage-aware static and dynamic verification tools, such as MVSIM with the VCS(R) simulator and MVRC, which are part of the Ecylpse(TM) low power solution from Synopsys. These tools are capable of checking low power designs for the rules documented in the VMM-LP book. The base classes will enable the infrastructure to create a structured and reusable verification environment based on the VMM-LP.

"Because power consumption is one of the most critical factors of today's SoCs for mobile applications, the ability to accurately verify low power functionality is essential to achieving first-pass silicon success," said Ying-Chih Yang, technical director of Home Entertainment Products at Sunplus Technology. "The Verification Methodology Manual for Low Power is a comprehensive collection of necessary and reliable techniques that should help simplify and accelerate the complex task of verifying power-managed designs."

"We see a prevalence of low power designs in Japan and a strong need for a comprehensive verification methodology to tape out such designs with confidence," said Nobuyuki Nishiguchi, vice president and general manager, Development Department 1 at Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC). "VMM-LP is the answer to this market need and completely and elegantly addresses all aspects of low power verification. The book covers what is needed to verify low power designs and get it right - the first time around."

"Low power requirements have caused a paradigm shift for the entire semiconductor ecosystem," said Dr. Ed Huijbregts, vice president of Product Development at Magma Design Automation. "Lacking an open, codified and documented methodology, accurate and comprehensive verification of low power designs has been a black art and a productivity drain. With its methodical and guidebook style approach, the VMM-LP provides a clear blueprint for successful verification of low-power designs - this one is a keeper."

About the VMM for Low Power

The lead authors of the VMM-LP book are Srikanth Jadcherla, group director of Research and Development at Synopsys and founder of ArchPro Design Automation, Inc., which Synopsys acquired in 2007; Janick Bergeron, Synopsys Fellow and moderator of the Verification Guild web site; Yoshio Inoue, chief engineer, Design Technology Division, Renesas Technology Corp.; and David Flynn, ARM fellow and co-author of the Low Power Methodology Manual (LPMM) [Springer].

The VMM-LP book defines a robust and scalable verification architecture that can be used to quickly setup and complete verification of low power designs. The methodology addresses all aspects of functional verification of power management functions, including suggestions for static versus dynamic verification, design-for-verification techniques, and use of assertions and coverage metrics to achieve rapid verification closure.


The VMM-LP book is available today for purchase through the VMM Central web site ( Additionally, customers can download a PDF version of the book and register to receive notification about the availability of the source code for the VMM-LP SystemVerilog base classes from VMM Central. To learn more about the VMM-LP, please attend the tutorial entitled A Structured Methodology for Verifying Low Power Designs at DVCon 2009 in San Jose on February 24, 2009.

About Synopsys

Synopsys, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNPS) is the world leader in electronic design automation (EDA), supplying the global electronics market with the software, intellectual property (IP) and services used in semiconductor design and manufacturing. Synopsys' comprehensive, integrated portfolio of implementation, verification, IP, manufacturing and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) solutions helps address the key challenges designers and manufacturers face today, such as power and yield management, software-to-silicon verification and time-to-results. These technology-leading solutions help give Synopsys customers a competitive edge in bringing the best products to market quickly while reducing costs and schedule risk. Synopsys is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and has more than 60 offices located throughout North America, Europe, Japan, Asia and India. Visit Synopsys online at

Synopsys, Eclypse and VCS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Any other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this release are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

    Editorial Contacts:
    Sheryl Gulizia
    Synopsys, Inc.

    Stephen Brennan
    MCA, Inc.
    650-968-8900 x114


Friday, February 20, 2009

New Book Offers Evolution Skeptics Comic Relief

Author Presents Irreverent, Funny Commentary on Evolutionists' Top Ideas

JONESBOROUGH, Tenn., Feb. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- In a new book for anyone scratching their head at the theory of evolution and the Big Bang, Alvin Allison offers a dose of humor to go along with the absurdity. "From Monkeys to Men and Back: A Preposterously Essential Science Lesson According to a Darn Good Ex Chicken Farmer" (published by AuthorHouse) is a laugh-out-loud take on the theory of evolution and the supposedly solid proof modern science offers about human origins.

With irreverent, clever humor, Allison dissects evolutionists' theories about how species evolved into the creatures of today. He analyzes scientific evidence and direct arguments from some of the world's leading scientists. He offers thought-provoking, witty counterpoints, which in themselves illustrate evolution theory's flimsy foundation: Even an "ex-chicken farmer who never paid a minute's attention in science class has surely found the very reason evolution could never have happened," he jokes.

Among these funny and provocative critiques is Allison's perspective on the strange fact that humanoid apes evolved so quickly into humans: "And what's even more tragic than this is that according to the fossil record, that one particular monkey's offspring didn't actually evolve gradually into a human as most evolutionists would have us believe, but made a rapid jump from monkey to man. According to Stephen Jay Gould, professor of geology at Harvard University, 'the fossil record still proclaims [gradualism] false after more than a century of diligent search for gradual change.' So since the fossil record doesn't lie, it's proof that if humans really did come from monkeys, then some monkey had to have given direct birth to a human!

"Could this phenomenon continue on into the human race? Do you think any of our offspring could possibly end up giving birth to a brand new species as evolutionists insinuate some monkey did? If any of you were considering having more children, is this not reason enough to want to reconsider? I would think it is, but then again, some people enjoy having pets in their home. Of course, they usually know what kind of pet they're getting."

"From Monkeys to Men and Back: A Preposterously Essential Science Lesson According to a Darn Good Ex Chicken Farmer" is an invitation to those who find the theory and teaching of evolution a jaw-dropping sham to chuckle at the reasoning behind some of evolution theorists' claims.

Raised on a chicken farm just outside the small town of Hayesville, N.C., Alvin Allison spent many of his younger years wondering about confusing lessons in science class. He writes that although he was a career truck driver and not a scientist, "I'm sure those who don't believe in evolution will see that I do have enough scientific knowledge to know that humans, or any other mammal for that matter, are not the result of some primitive reptile accidentally growing mammary." More information is available at

AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging, self-published authors. For more information, please visit

    EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:
    Promotional Services Department
    Tel: 888-728-8467
    Fax: 812-961-3133
    (When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address.)

This release was issued through eReleases(TM). For more information, visit


PeaceJam and The Pearson Foundation's Global Call to Action Challenge: Winning School Welcomes Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum

Young People Across the U.S. Documenting Service Projects

DENVER, Feb. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum, the world famous advocate for peace and human rights, will visit the Grand Prize winning team of the Global Call to Action Challenge, co-sponsored by PeaceJam and The Pearson Foundation. The Global Call to Action encourages young people to commit themselves to 1 billion projects to serve their communities in the next 10 years.

Open to youth volunteers in North America who are working on service projects, the Global Call to Action Challenge encourages young people to document their projects in digital film and in video, writing, or PowerPoint. Rigoberta Menchu Tum will visit the Grand Prize winners in their community or at their school on Nov. 17, 2009, and accompany them the next day to Denver to attend PeaceJam's Annual Awards Luncheon.

Submissions to the Challenge are due June 30, 2009. For more information and entry details, visit,, and

In 1992, Rigoberta Menchu Tum was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her work for the rights of the Maya of Guatemala and native people everywhere. She was the first Native American ever to receive the award and one of only a handful of women. In 1996, all of Rigoberta Menchu Tum's nonviolent work, along with the struggles of so many other activists, helped lead to a peace accord in Guatemala. This agreement ended Guatemala's 36-year civil war and gave many rights back to the Mayan people.

"PeaceJam has seen first-hand the power and drive of young people to act in the interest of the world we all share. With the right encouragement, guidance, and support, we know that there's nothing that young people cannot do," said Dawn Engle, PeaceJam co-founder. "The Global Call to Action Challenge is a natural extension of PeaceJam's commitment to action, and bringing young people together with Nobel Laureates like Rigoberta Menchu Tum can be a transformative experience."

Mark Nieker, President of the Pearson Foundation, added, "PeaceJam is about what you can do as a young person to address problems you witness in the world, and the Global Call to Action Challenge provides a great forum for ideas and solutions."

The Global Call to Action Challenge is an extension of the Penguin Young Readers book, PEACEJAM: A Billion Simple Acts of Peace by Dawn Gifford Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff (Puffin, September 2008, $16.99, Paperback, Non-fiction, ISBN: 9780142412343, 197 pages, ages 12 and up).

About PeaceJam

PeaceJam is a nonprofit organization with its international headquarters located in Arvada, Colorado. Since its inception in 1996, over 600,000 youth have participated in the PeaceJam program, engaging in one million service projects in their communities. PeaceJam has ten U.S. affiliate offices and international affiliate offices in South Africa, Costa Rica, India, Guatemala, Argentina, and the United Kingdom, with plans to expand to Canada and East Timor.

About the Pearson Foundation

The Pearson Foundation extends Pearson's commitment to education by partnering with leading nonprofit, civic, and business organizations to provide financial, organizational, and publishing assistance across the globe. The foundation aims to make a difference by sponsoring innovative educational programs and extending its educational expertise to help in classrooms and in local communities. More information on the Pearson Foundation can be found at


    Pearson Foundation
    Rod Granger

    PeaceJam Foundation
    Jes Ward


Thursday, February 19, 2009

100 Funniest Words in English

LEWISBURG, Pa., Feb. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The Lexiteria has announced the publication of The 100 Funniest Words in English by Dr. Robert Beard, AKA Dr. Goodword on the website. This book examines what Dr. Beard considers the funniest of the 2500 words he has described and e-mailed daily to 200,000 people over the past 8 years.

After a short essay on what makes words funny, Dr. Beard examines the pronunciation, meaning, usage, and history of each funny word, giving several creative examples of its use. Dr. Beard's selection of the funniest words includes the likes of "absquatulate," "bowyangs," "collywobbles," "gongoozle," "hemidemisemiquaver," and "snollygoster."

"This was what I was born to do," Dr. Beard said in connection with the publication of his first trade book. "After 40 years of scientific research in the workings of words, I finally felt that I was ready to take my thoughts and ideas to a world-wide general audience."

Dr. Beard taught Russian language and Linguistics at Bucknell University for 35 years after completing his PhD in linguistics at the University of Michigan in 1966. "I feel that teaching linguistics at an introductory level for all those years put me in a position to talk about the intricacies of words on an authoritative but jovial level anyone can understand and enjoy," he added.

The book not only discusses funny words, it does so in a funny style. The examples given for each word rely on a cast of characters developed by Dr. Beard in the alphaDictionary "So, What's the Good Word?" series. They include the lady's man Phil Anders, Robin Banks (who works for the accounting firm of Cooke, Books & Hyde), a clothes horse, Maude Lynn Dresser, her friend, Lucinda Head, not to mention their overly expensive lawyer, Susan Liddy-Gates.

The book is available now in paperback and in electronic form on line at in the US and UK, as well as at the websites of Alibris and AbeBooks. Lexiteria promises a sequel to The 100 Funniest Words in English titled The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English later this year.


Investigation Discovery Announces Exclusive Talent and Production Deal With Journalist and Bestselling Author Aphrodite Jones

SILVER SPRING, Md., Feb. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Investigation Discovery (ID) announced today that Aphrodite Jones, bestselling author and journalist, is joining the network in 2009. The two-part agreement, creating an exclusive talent relationship between Jones and ID for nonfiction hosting and content, also includes the creation of a new series, APHRODITE JONES FILES(wt), in 2009.

An expert on high-profile trials with extensive experience covering cases that make headlines, Jones will also provide content and commentary on

"Aphrodite Jones' passion for uncovering people's true motivation is the heart of every episode of APHRODITE JONES FILES," said Deborah Myers, senior vice president of production. "As the source for fact-based investigative content, Investigation Discovery is proud to be the on-air and online home for Aphrodite and her exceptional story-telling techniques that we know our audience craves."

"I'm excited to work with Investigation Discovery, the top television channel for viewers who are serious about getting to the truth," said Aphrodite Jones. "Using investigative work and never-before-seen interviews, my new series will break down the deception strategies of notorious and previously unknown perpetrators. In every episode, viewers will get to the bottom of the million dollar question: Why?"

While she began her career as a journalist, Aphrodite Jones has diversified her workload to include covering famous trials for cable news outlets and publishing eight meticulously researched true-crime books, including three that have been turned into films. Most notably, Aphrodite's book "All She Wanted" was transformed into the Academy Award winning film, "Boys Don't Cry." Her other books include "The FBI Killer," which was subsequently made into the ABC movie, "Betrayed By Love," as well as "A Perfect Husband," the story of Michael Peterson that was the basis for the critically-acclaimed Lifetime movie, "The Staircase Murders." Jones has also authored "Cruel Sacrifice," "Della's Web," "The Embrace: A True Vampire Story," "Red Zone: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of the San Francisco Dog Mauling," and her latest work, "Michael Jackson Conspiracy," which examines the media's role in the court of public opinion, using evidence and exhibits from the highly-charged molestation trial against Michael Jackson.

In addition, Jones has regularly contributed television commentary about the psychological profiles involved in newsworthy trials including those involving O.J. Simpson, Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson, the BTK serial Killer, the Menendez Brothers, Charles Manson, Robert Blake and JonBenet Ramsey. A reporter and contributor for Fox News, Jones also hosted her own series, The Justice Hunters for USA, and began her career as a national columnist for United Features Syndicate.

The deal was negotiated by Chris Nassif at Diverse Talent Group. APHRODITE JONES FILES (wt) will be produced for Investigation Discovery by Tom Jennings Productions in association with Rive Gauche Television. For Tom Jennings Productions, Tom Jennings is executive producer; for Rive Gauche Television, Mark Rafalowski is executive producer. Aphrodite Jones is co-executive producer for the series. For ID, Jane Latman is executive producer.

About Investigation Discovery

Investigation Discovery (ID) is the source for fact-based investigative content about culture, history and the human condition. ID, the new authority in real investigations, is expanding partnerships with leading news organizations and production companies to bring the strongest analytic, factual investigative programming to more than 52 million U.S. households. Providing fascinating stories of human nature from the past to the present, Investigation Discovery's in-depth documentaries and series challenge viewers on important issues shaping our culture and defining our world. For more information, please visit

About Discovery Communications

Discovery Communications (Nasdaq: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK) is the world's number one nonfiction media company reaching more than 1.5 billion cumulative subscribers in over 170 countries. Discovery empowers people to explore their world and satisfy their curiosity through 100-plus worldwide networks, led by Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Science Channel, Planet Green, Investigation Discovery and HD Theater, as well as leading consumer and educational products and services, and a diversified portfolio of digital media services including For more information, please visit
