Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A 21st Century Business Management Governance System Taught in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Smarter Solutions, Inc. has enhanced the traditional Lean Six Sigma training courses by not only providing the roadmaps and tools sets for truly blending Lean and Six Sigma tools at the process improvement project execution level, but by also providing a business management governance system.

An American Management Association (AMA) MWorld Winter 2008-09 article describes a 21st century business management governance system that addresses this reinvention need. This article describes an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business governance system for going Beyond Lean Six and the Balanced Scorecard. IEE provides a long-lasting business management framework for healthy policy-creation with a no-nonsense, structured integration of scorecards, strategic planning, business improvement, and controls.

IEE Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt training helps organizations create a risk-avoidance system that is not so dependent upon the decisions a superman or superwomen makes when running a business; e.g., Steve Jobs' success at Apple. IEE helps organizations create a system for systematically orchestrating the blending of analytics with innovation so that the enterprise and its scorecards, as a whole, benefits.

        A recent student, Mark Kocour Director of Continuous Improvement at
        MGP Ingredients, stated: "Forrest and his Team do a great job of
        teaching the concepts of Lean Six Sigma in a practical manner, and
        excel at linking these concepts to the performance of the overall
        business through use of the Integrated Enterprise Excellence project
        system.  Their grasp of knowledge in improvement methodologies is
        unparalleled, and I would highly recommend their services to any
        organization which desires to improve their overall business

IEE Black Belt and Master Black Belt training follows the detailed roadmaps provided in a new set of books. The author, Forrest Breyfogle, describes IEE training as "not only teaching the tools but also the thought process of how to wisely use Lean and Six Sigma methodologies for both process improvement project execution and enterprise business management governance as well. The IEE Project Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (P-DMAIC) roadmap described in Volume III of the book set guides practitioners through the process improvement project execution. While, the Enterprise process DMAIC (E-DMAIC) system in Volume II provides the roadmap for creating and executing a no-nonsense business governance system that addresses today's business issues."

        Chris Ellis from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company says, "With the
        skills and tools I learned from Smarter Solutions Black Belt
        training, I am able to address organizational and business
        problems with a greater degree of effectiveness than ever

IEE provides the framework where non-profit and for-profit organizations can reduce firefighting and move towards the 3 Rs of business; i.e., everyone doing the Right things and doing them Right, at the Right time. The IEE system helps organizations make structural risk assessments, for unintended consequence avoidance. IEE provides the organizational roadmap for achievement of the three Rs of business.